
Wir vom TSC versuchen euch Laufend Up to Date zu halten, euch mit genügend Informationen über Land und Leute zu versorgen, mit euch gemeinsam lustige Aktivitäten zu unternehmen und in einem ständigen Austausch zu sein sowie euch bei allen Fragen zu helfen, die ihr vor, während oder auch nach eurer Zeit in Deutschland oder umgekehrt im Ausland habt.
Daher würden wir gerne mehr über eure Eindrücke und eure Erlebnisse erfahren!

Wenn du dein Auslandssemester in Deutschland verbracht hast, würden wir uns freuen, wenn du deine Eindrücke mit uns teilst!

Warum hast du Deutschland für ein Auslandssemester gewählt? Wie hast du dich auf deine Zeit in Deutschland vorbereitet? Welche Vorbereitungen müssen unbedingt getroffen werden? Was waren deine Erwartungen und vielleicht auch deine Ängste? Worauf hast du dich am meisten gefreut? Was hast du am meisten während deines Auslandsemesters vermisst? Was mochtest du am meisten, was am wenigstens? Was würdest du anders machen und was würdest du anderen Studenten, welche kurz vor einem Auslandssemster stehen, empfehlen? Was sind deine Erlebnisse mit dem TSC-Team? Was hat dich während der Zeit in Deutschland bewegt, was hat dich motiviert, welche Momente und Personen wirst du nicht vergessen und warum?

Wenn du in Deutschland studierst und ein Auslandssemster irgendwo auf der Welt verbracht hast, sind wir genauso gespannt auf deine Geschichten!

Welches Land hast du für dein Semester im Ausland gewählt. Bist du durch ein Programm ins Ausland gegangen oder hast du alles alleine organisiert? Wie hat die Vorbereitung geklappt? Worauf muss man achten, wenn man ins Ausland zum Studieren geht? Was waren deine Erwartungen und vielleicht auch deine Ängste? Worauf hast du dich am meisten gefreut? Was hast du am meisten während deines Auslandsemesters vermisst? Was mochtest du am meisten, was am wenigstens? Was würdest du anders machen und was würdest du anderen Studenten, welche kurz vor einem Auslandssemster stehen, empfehlen? Was sind deine Erlebnisse mit dem TSC-Team oder aber auch mit anderen universitären Einrichtungen, die dich begleitet haben? Was hat dich während der Zeit im Ausland bewegt, was hat dich motiviert, welche Momente und Personen wirst du nicht vergessen und warum?

Wir würden uns über eure Berichte sehr freuen!
Gerne könnt ihr uns eure Texte auf Englisch oder Deutsch an schicken, natürlich auch mit Bildern von euch und eurem Aufenthalt. Wir werden diese dann, sofern ihr das möchtet auf unserer Homepage veröffentlichen. Wenn du nicht möchtest, dass dein Name genannt wird, können wir deinen Beitrag auch anonym veröffentlichen.
[:en]We TSC people try to provide you with information about country and people, go together on fun events and help you with all the questions you have while, or after, you are in Germany or in a foreign country.

So we a really interested in the experiences you had!

When you took part in an exchange year in Germany, we would be really happy if you could share your impressions with us!

Why have you chosen Germany for an exchange year? How have you prepared yourself for the exchange? Which preperations were necessary in advance? What were your expectations and fears? What was the thing you were most excited about? What was the thing you missed the most regarding your exchange year? What was the thing you liked the most/least? What would you do different and recommend other students, which are in preperation for an exchange program? What were your experiences with the TSC-Team? What about your time in Germany was moving and had you motivated, which moments and people will be remembered and why?

When you are studying in Germany and have experience in studying abroad somwhere in the world, we are excited to hear your stories aswell!

Which country did you choose? Have you taken part in a program or did you organize everything by yourself? How was the preperation, any difficulties? What things need to be kept in mind, when studying abroad? What were your expectations and fears? What was the thing you were most excited about? What was the thing you missed the most regarding your exchange year? What was the thing you liked the most/least? What would you do different and recommend other students, which are in preperation for an exchange program? What were your experiences with the TSC-Team? What about your time in Germany was moving and had you motivated, which moments and people will be remembered and why?

If you could send us a report, we would be really happy!

You can send your texts in english or german, to this e-mail: Of course you can sent pictures aswell. If it’s okay, we will publish the texts on our Homepage. If you don’t want your name to be mentioned, it will be anonymously.[:en]We TSC people try to provide you with information about country and people, go together on fun events and help you with all the questions you have while, or after, you are in Germany or in a foreign country.

So we a really interested in the experiences you had!

When you took part in an exchange year in Germany, we would be really happy if you could share your impressions with us!

Why have you chosen Germany for an exchange year? How have you prepared yourself for the exchange? Which preperations were necessary in advance? What were your expectations and fears? What was the thing you were most excited about? What was the thing you missed the most regarding your exchange year? What was the thing you liked the most/least? What would you do different and recommend other students, which are in preperation for an exchange program? What were your experiences with the TSC-Team? What about your time in Germany was moving and had you motivated, which moments and people will be remembered and why?

When you are studying in Germany and have experience in studying abroad somwhere in the world, we are excited to hear your stories aswell!

Which country did you choose? Have you taken part in a program or did you organize everything by yourself? How was the preperation, any difficulties? What things need to be kept in mind, when studying abroad? What were your expectations and fears? What was the thing you were most excited about? What was the thing you missed the most regarding your exchange year? What was the thing you liked the most/least? What would you do different and recommend other students, which are in preperation for an exchange program? What were your experiences with the TSC-Team? What about your time in Germany was moving and had you motivated, which moments and people will be remembered and why?

If you could send us a report, we would be really happy!

You can send your texts in english or german, to this e-mail: Of course you can sent pictures aswell. If it’s okay, we will publish the texts on our Homepage. If you don’t want your name to be mentioned, it will be anonymously.

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